Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Arts & Crafts: A Lovely Little Thinker but a Bugger When He's Pissed

I paint miniatures. Warhammer, Infinity, Warmachine, &c, &c*. I don't really play them, but they're fun as hell to make and paint. For example, from Reaper's 28mm Cronoscope line, Socrates (yes, that Socrates):

Famous last words:  "Dear Ath-holes**: Eff all y'all, I'm Audi 5000. PEACE!"
Why do they have a mini for Socrates? I have no idea, but I bought the hell out of it.

One mini down, uncounted legions to go... Still nowhere to put them...

*Doesn't "&c" look just plain classier than "etc."?
** Socrates's favorite portmanteau of "Athenian" and "asshole" I was a Classics major. I know these things.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

From the Vault: Givin' the Finger to Big Oil, Thermodynamics

Thing I miss about being a kid # 37: Not having to give two shits about physics.

 Back then, all I needed was an episode of Beekman's World involving electrolysis and a book about the space shuttle mentioning fuel cells and I was off like a shot solving the energy crisis:

Fig 1.1: Artist's Rendering of the CAAAAAR OOOFF THEEEE FUUUUTURE-TURE-TURE [fanfare and applause drowns out the reverb]

The battery zaps the water, turning it into hydrogen and oxygen. the gases are pumped to a fuel cell which turns the gases back into water, then juices the electric motors while simultaneously charging the battery

In summation: Electrolysis + fuel cell - basic understanding of physics = vroom vroom.

Sometimes I'm amazed I survived past puberty.

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Great Experiment Commences

On the advisement of my "people" (of whom only one is a person - the others being a dog, cat, and a solar-powered owl which shakes its head in disapproval of nigh everything -- maybe "Steering Committee"is a better term?), I have created this blog, this on-ramp to the Super-Highways and Mega-Byways of Information upon which I shall dispatch trucks of bits and bytes, hauling the mental ejecta which heretofore has only found outlets in the creation of the "Kittyphone" and conversations with the canine representative of the Steering Committee*.

Of course, now that I have put myself on the spot, I am at a loss as to what else to package in this first shipment of digitized thought-goo -- 

Oh. Right. Dancing Elephant. Of course he needs to be here, for he is the vanguard. The harbinger of things to come.

*Yeah, "Steering Committee" is better than "people - It's more official sounding. Perhaps I shall make them team jackets or commemorative pins.