Wednesday, November 10, 2010

His Majesty's Airship Daedalus: Is Pre-Steampunk a "Thing"?

A couple months ago, during a particularly boring Saturday at work, I drew an airship.

Fig 1. Artist's rendering of a shittly scanned airship

This image taunted, mocked, and intrigued me for about a week before I forgot it. Then one day, while wandering a hobby store, I found Revell's Caribbean Pirate Ship on sale. The sketch popped back into my head and I knew what I must do: Build the hell outta that sumbitch.

Fig H. Artist's rendering of a hastily MS Painted photo of a model kit

Unfortunately, like most of my other projects, this one is currently on the back burner because... Um... Well, I mean "Modern Family" is on tonight, right? gotta watch that...

I guess I'll have to hope that the changing weather motivates me to get this thing built enough to spray paint it before... Well, before the dog is able to make his special lemon sno-cones.